Newsletter #18


Software releases, news articles and other new stuff

Release v1.19.1+k3s1 · rancher/k3s
#k3s, #kubernetes, #release

This release is K3s's first in the v1.19 line. It upgrades to Kubernetes version v1.19.1 and introduces several enhancements and many bug fixes.

My server is already upgraded and as always it was very smooth and easy: Replace k3s binary and restart all the things. With this release it's now possible to configure the system Helm charts using a custom resource named HelmChartConfig which I took as an opportunity to fix my configuration for to always work without manual intervention after a k3s upgrade: Commit a9d387acc0 says it all.


Interesting articles and blog posts

Reinventing virtualization with the AWS Nitro System - All Things Distributed
#aws, #virtualization, #story

Running a business at the scale of Amazon, we often have to solve problems that no other company has faced before. The disadvantage of this is that there is no “how to” guide for us—a lot is unknown. However, the advantage is that when we solve a new problem, it’s an opportunity to reinvent our services and create new benefits for our customers. Indeed, we have created some of our most innovative and successful ideas when we have entered unchartered territory.

The XY Problem
#question, #help

That's an interesting view on problem solving. I'd love to send this as automatic reply to every chat message or customer request in our ticket system.

[GER] Missing Link: Regulierer vs. Monopolisten – Streit im Markt der Peering-Anbieter | heise online
#internet, #peering, #transit, #init7

Große Netzbetreiber schalten sich zum Peering zusammen – oder leiten Daten per Transit nur durch. Um Monopolstellungen und Kosten ist heftiger Streit entbrannt.

Background article about Internet politics (German).

The Official, Authorized List Of Legitimate Reasons For Deciding to Become a Manager –
#management, #opinion

“Why did you decide to become a manager?” It’s a question that gets asked a lot, in job interviews, 1x1s, and plain old casual conversation.

That's a good question which is actually very important for me personally to think about.

Ramblings from Jessie: The Automated CIO
#automation, #api, #database

An article focused on our internal infrastructure and automation.

Automate all the things, exactly what I like.

How I Got An Offer At Facebook, Turned It Down, And Moved On
#job, #hiring, #story

Software Engineering (SWE) is among the most desired jobs nowadays.

I personally am absolutely not interested to work for one of these big companies. While it might be very interesting from a technical perspective (and maybe also from a financial point of view), I do not want to support monopoly companies becoming more and more the only ones dictating the Internet. I'm very much in favor of decentralization and this also belongs to the job I'm doing and the products I use daily.


Open Source tools newly discovered

Overview - ACK
#aws, #kubernetes, #operator

AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) lets you define and use AWS service resources directly from Kubernetes. With ACK, you can take advantage of AWS managed services for your Kubernetes applications without needing to define resources outside of the cluster or run services that provide supporting capabilities like databases or message queues within the cluster.

GitHub - gnur/tobab: tobab: the poor mans identity aware proxy, easy to use setup for beyondcorp in your homelab
#identity, #proxy, #authentication

tobab: the poor mans identity aware proxy, easy to use setup for beyondcorp in your homelab

GitHub - d-kuro/kubectl-fuzzy: This tool uses fzf(1)-like fuzzy-finder to do partial or fuzzy search of Kubernetes resources.
#kubectl, #fuzzy

This tool uses fzf(1)-like fuzzy-finder to do partial or fuzzy search of Kubernetes resources. Instead of specifying full resource names to kubectl commands, you can choose them from an interactive list that you can filter by typing a few characters.

GitHub - FairwindsOps/gemini: Automated backups of PersistentVolumeClaims in Kubernetes using VolumeSnapshots
#kubernetes, #backup, #snapshot

Gemini is a Kubernetes CRD and operator for managing VolumeSnapshots. This allows you to back up your PersistentVolumes on a regular schedule, retire old backups, and restore backups with minimal downtime.

GitHub - alexellis/registry-creds: Automate Kubernetes registry credentials, to extend Docker Hub limits
#kubernetes, #registry, #operator, #credentials

This operator can be used to propagate a single ImagePullSecret to all namespaces within your cluster, so that images can be pulled with authentication.

GitHub - bmaynard/kubevol: Audit your Kubernetes pods attached volumes and report any stale items.
#kubernetes, #volume, #audit

Kubevol allows you to audit all your Kubernetes pods for an attached volume or see all the volumes attached to each pod by a specific type (eg: ConfigMap, Secret).

GitHub - ca-gip/kotary: Managing Kubernetes Quota with confidence
#kubernetes, #multitenancy, #quota, #operator

It is an operator that brings a layer of verification and policy to the native ResourceQuotas mechanism. It introduced a new resource call a ResourceQuotaClaims that will let users ask to modify the specification of their quota.

GitHub - winfordlin/Compass: A Debugging Tool for your Kubernetes Deployments
#kubernetes, #troubleshooting

Compass helps you pinpoint your errors by asking simple (Y/N) questions. It helps execute kubectl debugging commands at every step to increase visibility. Questions start at the Pod level and and end at the Ingress level or until error is isolated.

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