Newsletter #27


Software releases, news articles and other new stuff

Servo’s new home
#servo, #firefox, #html, #rendering

The Servo Project is excited to announce that it has found a new home with the Linux Foundation. Servo was incubated inside Mozilla, and served as the proof that important web components such as CSS and rendering could be implemented in Rust, with all its safety, concurrency and speed. Now it’s time for Servo to leave the nest!

It's good to see Servo getting a new home. I find it very important that there are alternative rendering engines around.

Announcing k0s, the Smallest, Simplest Kubernetes Distribution | by Adam Parco | Nov, 2020 | Medium
#kubernetes, #distribution, #pharos, #k0s

I’m excited to introduce a new Kubernetes distro called k0s. It is created by the team behind Lens, the Kubernetes IDE project. This new open source project is the spiritual successor to the Pharos Kubernetes distro that was also developed and maintained by the team. I like to say that k0s does for Kubernetes what Docker did for containers.

Seems very inspired by k3s.

Introducing the PinePhone - KDE Community edition :
#kde, #mobile, #pine64

KDE and Pine64 are announcing today the imminent availability of the new PinePhone - KDE Community edition. This Pine64 PinePhone gives you a taste of where free mobile devices and software platforms are headed.

I might buy one, just to fiddle around with it.


Interesting articles and blog posts

Scaling Fleet and Kubernetes to a Million Clusters
#rancher, #fleet, #gitops, #scaling

We created the Fleet Project to provide centralized GitOps-style management of a large number of Kubernetes clusters. A key design goal of Fleet is to be able to manage 1 million geographically distributed clusters. When we architected Fleet, we wanted to use a standard Kubernetes controller architecture. This meant in order to scale, we needed to prove we could scale Kubernetes much farther than we ever had. In this blog, I will cover Fleet’s architecture, the method we used to test scale and our findings.

absorptions: The sound of the dialup, pictured
#dialup, #research

If you ever connected to the Internet before the 2000s, you probably remember that it made a peculiar sound. But despite becoming so familiar, it remained a mystery for most of us. What do these sounds mean?

Standing up for developers: youtube-dl is back - The GitHub Blog
#github, #dmca, #youtubedl

Today we reinstated youtube-dl, a popular project on GitHub, after we received additional information about the project that enabled us to reverse a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown.

The Most Confusing Grep Mistakes I've Ever Made
#grep, #learning, #story

In this article, I'll discuss 5 very confusing mistakes that have caused me to waste significant amounts of time when using the command-line tool known as 'grep' to search for things.  I have chosen to document these mistakes in detail because they are mistakes that beginners are very likely to make at some point, but also to not be able to debug on their own.  The root causes of these mistakes are:  Not knowing what flavour of regular expression that grep is currently using (and/or not understanding what features that flavour supports); Not considering the escaping rules of your shell; Issues with character encodings.

Deprecating scp []
#scp, #ssh, #security

The scp command, which uses the SSH protocol to copy files between machines, is deeply wired into the fingers of many Linux users and developers — doubly so for those of us who still think of it as a more secure replacement for rcp. Many users may be surprised to learn, though, that the resemblance to rcp goes beyond the name; much of the underlying protocol is the same as well. That protocol is showing its age, and the OpenSSH community has considered it deprecated for a while. Replacing scp in a way that keeps users happy may not be an easy task, though.

This is how I git |
#git, #curl, #workflow

Every now and then I get questions on how to work with git in a smooth way when developing, bug-fixing or extending curl – or how I do it. After all, I work on open source full time which means I have very frequent interactions with git (and GitHub). Simply put, I work with git all day long. Ordinary days, I issue git commands several hundred times. I have a very simple approach and way of working with git in curl. This is how it works.

Why care about the developer experience? | by Sean Falconer | Nov, 2020 | Medium
#appdev, #api, #story

Imagine you’re a developer working at Opentech Corp tasked with adding payment support to your company’s product. You start by doing research on payment processing solutions in order to make a recommendation. You first try out payment processing company XYZ Processing because you’ve seen them around for a long time and you know it’s used by other companies.

The .ch zone file will be published as open data | SWITCH Security-Blog
#domain, #dns, #registry, #switch

The Swiss Federal council adopted the lower laws to the telecommunicaiton act today. Amongst it is the Ordinance on Internet Domains that also regulates the ccTLD .ch. SWITCH-CERT welcomes the new ordinance and the smart regulation by the Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM). The Ordinance on Internet Domains will come to power on 1.1.2021 and has some important changes.

This message cannot be pasted into the Signal app
#story, #html, #rambling

HTML perverts far too many things in the world. Web browsers are used instead of native apps, and it means bloated and laggy experiences.

Google's 3-Word Plan to Help Employees Avoid Burnout Is So Simple You Should Steal It |
#story, #meeting, #remote

Sometimes the easiest way to help your team get more done is to stop interrupting them with meetings.

The Beirut Port Explosion ← Forensic Architecture
#story, #nontech

Forensic Architecture was invited by Mada Masr to examine open source information including videos, photographs, and documents to provide a timeline and a precise 3D model to help investigate the events of that day.

start [reMarkableWiki]
#remarkable, #wiki

This is to become a comprehensive wiki about the reMarkable paper tablet. Please refer to the sidebar for a list of available main topics.

Tools – Welcome to Kubezilla
#kubernetes, #tool, #links

Kubetools – Curated List of Kubernetes Tools

Never Use Google to Sign-In | Gurjeet Singh
#security, #authentication

If a website offers you to sign-in using Google (or any third-party service, say Facebook, Github, etc.), don’t use that feature.

Does Apple really log every app you run? A technical look – Jacopo Jannone - blog
#macos, #security, #ocsp

Apple’s launch of macOS Big Sur was almost immediately followed by server issues which prevented users from running third-party apps on their computers. While a workaround was soon found by people on Twitter, others raised some privacy concerns related to that issue.

VSHN.timer |
#vshn, #vshntimer, #story

Since August 2019 I took the duty of publishing a weekly series of blog posts called “VSHN․timer".


Open Source tools newly discovered

inovex/illuminatio: The kubernetes network policy validator.
#kubernetes, #network, #security, #testing

illuminatio is a tool for automatically testing kubernetes network policies. Simply execute illuminatio clean run and illuminatio will scan your kubernetes cluster for network policies, build test cases accordingly and execute them to determine if the policies are in effect.

#covid19, #notifications

A decentralised check-in system for meetings and events

reHackable/awesome-reMarkable: A curated list of projects related to the reMarkable tablet
#remarkable, #bookmarks

The reMarkable is a paper tablet for those who prefer writing on paper, rather than keyboards. Its remarkably fast paper-white display, Linux based operating system and awesome community make it highly attractive amongst hackers and developers.

k0sproject/k0s: k0s - Zero Friction Kubernetes
#kubernetes, #distribution, #k0s

k0s is yet another Kubernetes distro. Yes. But we do some of the things pretty different from other distros out there. k0s is a single binary all-inclusive Kubernetes distribution with all the required bells and whistles preconfigured to make building a Kubernetes clusters a matter of just copying an executable to every host and running it.

tilt-dev/ctlptl: Making local Kubernetes clusters fun and easy to set up
#kubernetes, #local, #development

Want to mess around with Kubernetes, but don't want to spend an ocean on hardware? Maybe you need a ctlptl. ctlptl (pronounced "cattle paddle") is a CLI for declaratively setting up local Kubernetes clusters.

powerfulseal/powerfulseal: A powerful testing tool for Kubernetes clusters.
#kubernetes, #testing, #chaos

PowerfulSeal injects failure into your Kubernetes clusters, so that you can detect problems as early as possible. It allows for writing scenarios describing complete chaos experiments.

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